Hier erkläre ich dir, wie du mithilfe der Home Assistant Dashboard-Abschnitte und Kachel-Karten ein hochgradig anpassbares & intuitives Dashboard erstellen kannst, das einen extrem hohen WAF mitbringt.
Lass uns gemeinsam eintauchen und herausfinden, wie die Konfiguration vonstatten geht & welches Konzept ich mir ausgedacht habe!
- Voraussetzungen
- Genutzte Karten
- content-copyCode meines Dashboards zum kopieren
- Vorheriges Dashboard-Video (Anfang 2024)
- Icon-Farben ändern
- Das alte Dashboard-Video (Mitte 2022)
- Geräte für HA
- Fazit
Home Assistant muss schon installiert sein, auf welcher Hardware spielt keine Rolle.
Außerdem sollte du mit den Grundlagen vertraut sein
Genutzte Karten
Karte | Typ | Doku / Repo |
Vertikaler Stapel | Standard | https://www.home-assistant.io/dashboards/tile/ |
Kachel / Tile | Standard | https://www.home-assistant.io/dashboards/tile/ |
Power Flow Card Plus | Custom (HACS) | https://github.com/flixlix/power-flow-card-plus |
Lawn Mower Card | Custom (HACS) | https://github.com/bhuebschen/lawn-mower-card |
Code meines Dashboards zum kopieren
Hier noch für dich einmal der Komplette Raw-Code meiner aktuellen Sektions-Dashboards und auch nochmal einzeln für jede Ansicht.
Zum kopieren und einfügen von Code findest du übrigens einige spannende Infos im Expertentipps-Video.
1. OG

Hier der Komplette Code für alle Ansichten 🥳
wallpanel: enabled: false hide_toolbar: true hide_sidebar: true fullscreen: true idle_time: 600 screensaver_stop_navigation_path: /1-og/0?wp_enabled=true image_url: http://picsum.photos/${width}/${height}?random=${timestamp} image_fit: cover image_list_update_interval: 3600 image_order: sorted image_excludes: [] show_exif_info: false fetch_address_data: true exif_info_template: >- ${address.town|address.city!prefix=!suffix= // }${DateTimeOriginal!options=year:numeric,month:long} cards: - show_current: true show_forecast: true type: weather-forecast entity: weather.forecast_home forecast_type: hourly secondary_info_attribute: temperature views: - title: Home type: sections sections: - type: grid cards: - type: heading heading: Eingang heading_style: title badges: - type: entity show_state: true show_icon: true entity: sensor.tuya_temperature_humidity_sensor_temperature color: red tap_action: action: perform-action perform_action: '' - type: entity show_state: true show_icon: true entity: sensor.tuya_temperature_humidity_sensor_humidity color: blue - type: entity show_state: true show_icon: true entity: switch.3d_drucker icon: mdi:door - type: tile entity: switch.bewegungslichter_eingang column_span: 1 - type: grid cards: - type: heading heading: Bad heading_style: title icon: mdi:bathtub-outline - type: tile entity: binary_sensor.treppe_terasse_occupancy name: Hinten icon: mdi:stairs-up layout_options: grid_columns: 2 grid_rows: 1 - type: tile entity: switch.aktor_bad_1_og_l1 name: Licht icon: mdi:lightbulb-cfl show_entity_picture: false vertical: false hide_state: false - type: tile entity: cover.fenster_bab - type: tile entity: cover.fenster_wc - type: grid cards: - type: heading heading: Studio heading_style: title icon: mdi:record-player - type: tile entity: cover.fenster_studio - type: tile entity: cover.balkontur_studio - type: tile entity: light.aktor_dose_studio_1_og - type: grid cards: - type: heading heading_style: title heading: Küche icon: mdi:stove - type: tile entity: light.aktor_kuche_1_og name: Licht - type: tile entity: cover.fenster_kuche - type: grid cards: - type: heading heading: Flur heading_style: title icon: mdi:floor-plan - type: tile entity: light.aktor_flur_1_og_eingang name: Licht - type: tile entity: switch.aktor_flur_1_og_hinten_l1 name: Licht - type: grid cards: - type: heading heading: Wohnzimmer heading_style: title icon: mdi:sofa-outline - type: tile entity: cover.fenster_wohnzimmer - type: grid cards: - type: heading heading: Kinderzimmer heading_style: title icon: mdi:baby-buggy - type: tile entity: light.aktor_kinderzimmer_1_og_l1 name: Licht - type: tile entity: cover.fenster_kinderzimmer - type: grid cards: - type: heading heading: Mein Toller Raum heading_style: title icon: mdi:power-socket-uk - type: tile entity: switch.3d_drucker - type: tile entity: sensor.3d_drucker_signal_level - type: grid cards: - type: heading heading: Schlafzimmer heading_style: title icon: mdi:bed-double-outline - type: tile entity: cover.fenster_schlafzimmer name: Fenster - type: tile entity: cover.balkontur_schlafzimmer_2 name: Terassentür icon: '' - type: grid cards: - type: heading heading: Quick Actions heading_style: title icon: mdi:rocket-launch - show_name: true show_icon: true type: button tap_action: action: perform-action perform_action: cover.close_cover target: floor_id: 1_og data: {} entity: light.stripes_wohnbereich name: Rollos runter hold_action: action: none icon: mdi:arrow-down-bold-box-outline icon_height: 20px layout_options: grid_columns: 1 grid_rows: 2 - show_name: true show_icon: true type: button tap_action: action: perform-action perform_action: cover.open_cover target: floor_id: 1_og entity: light.stripes_wohnbereich name: Rollos hoch hold_action: action: none icon: mdi:arrow-up-bold-box-outline icon_height: 20px layout_options: grid_columns: 1 grid_rows: 2 - show_name: true show_icon: true type: button tap_action: action: perform-action perform_action: light.turn_on target: floor_id: 1_og entity: light.stripes_wohnbereich hold_action: action: none icon: mdi:lightbulb-on icon_height: 20px layout_options: grid_columns: 1 grid_rows: 2 name: Licht an - show_name: true show_icon: true type: button tap_action: action: perform-action perform_action: light.turn_off target: floor_id: 1_og entity: light.stripes_wohnbereich hold_action: action: none icon: mdi:lightbulb-off icon_height: 20px layout_options: grid_columns: 1 grid_rows: 2 name: Licht aus background: {} cards: [] max_columns: 4 dense_section_placement: true icon: mdi:home-floor-1 badges: - type: entity show_name: false show_state: true show_icon: true entity: person.simon_muller name: Simon state_content: name visibility: - condition: state entity: person.simon_muller state: home color: '' - type: entity show_name: false show_state: true show_icon: true entity: person.arabella_oberstedt name: Arabella state_content: name visibility: - condition: state entity: person.arabella_oberstedt state: home color: '' - type: entity entity: light.alle_lichter_1_og - title: System/Network path: system-network icon: mdi:layers-search-outline type: sections sections: - type: grid cards: - type: heading heading: System - type: entities entities: - entity: sensor.load_1m - entity: sensor.load_5m - entity: sensor.load_15m - entity: sensor.disk_use_percent - entity: sensor.last_boot - entity: sensor.network_out_eno1 - entity: sensor.network_in_eno1 column_span: 1 - type: grid cards: - type: heading heading: Update-Settings - type: tile entity: schedule.update_schedule layout_options: grid_columns: 3 grid_rows: 1 - show_name: true show_icon: true type: button tap_action: action: perform-action perform_action: update.install data: {} target: entity_id: all name: Alle Updates installieren icon: mdi:update layout_options: grid_columns: 1 grid_rows: 2 - type: tile entity: input_boolean.auto_updates_deaktivieren layout_options: grid_columns: 3 grid_rows: 1 column_span: 1 background: {} cards: [] - title: Garten path: garten icon: mdi:grass type: sections sections: - type: grid cards: - type: heading heading: Mähroboter - type: custom:lawn-mower-card entity: lawn_mower.luba_vs6jgvnh image: battery: sensor.luba_vs6jgvnh_batterie show_toolbar: true show_shortcuts: true actions: start: action: mammotion.start_mow metadata: {} data: is_mow: false is_dump: false job_mode: 0 speed: 0.3 ultra_wave: 2 channel_mode: 2 channel_width: 23 rain_tactics: 1 blade_height: 40 toward_mode: 2 border_mode: 3 obstacle_laps: 1 start_progress: 0 areas: - switch.luba_vs6jgvnh - switch.luba_vs6jgvnh_2 target: entity_id: lawn_mower.luba_vs6jgvnh return_to_base: action: lawn_mower.dock target: entity_id: lawn_mower.luba_vs6jgvnh data: {} stats: default: - entity_id: sensor.luba_vs6jgvnh_satelliten_roboter subtitle: Satelliten (Roboter) - entity_id: sensor.luba_vs6jgvnh_schnitthohe unit: mm subtitle: Schnitthöhe mowing: - entity_id: sensor.luba_vs6jgvnh_mahgeschwindigkeit subtitle: Geschwindigkeit unit: m/s - entity_id: sensor.luba_vs6jgvnh_vergangene_zeit unit: minutes subtitle: Vergangene Zeit shortcuts: - name: Großen Rasen mähen action: mammotion.start_mow metadata: {} data: is_mow: false is_dump: false job_mode: 0 speed: 0.3 ultra_wave: 2 channel_mode: 2 channel_width: 23 rain_tactics: 1 blade_height: 40 toward_mode: 2 border_mode: 3 obstacle_laps: 1 start_progress: 0 areas: - switch.luba_vs6jgvnh target: entity_id: lawn_mower.luba_vs6jgvnh icon: mdi:image-filter-hdr-outline - name: Kleinen Rasen mähen action: mammotion.start_mow metadata: {} data: is_mow: false is_dump: false job_mode: 0 speed: 0.3 ultra_wave: 2 channel_mode: 2 channel_width: 23 rain_tactics: 1 blade_height: 40 toward_mode: 2 border_mode: 3 obstacle_laps: 1 start_progress: 0 areas: - switch.luba_vs6jgvnh_2 target: entity_id: lawn_mower.luba_vs6jgvnh icon: mdi:grass column_span: 1 - title: Solar path: solar icon: mdi:solar-power-variant-outline cards: [] type: sections sections: - type: grid cards: - type: heading heading: Solix E1600 Dual System - type: tile entity: number.solarbank_e1600_system_einspeisevorgabe layout_options: grid_columns: 4 grid_rows: 1 - type: tile entity: switch.system_anker_dual_e1600_api_nutzung layout_options: grid_columns: 4 grid_rows: 1 - type: custom:power-flow-card-plus entities: battery: entity: sensor.system_anker_dual_e1600_sb_akkuleistung state_of_charge: sensor.system_anker_dual_e1600_sb_ladestand invert_state: true name: 2x Solarbank 1 grid: secondary_info: {} solar: display_zero_state: true secondary_info: {} entity: sensor.system_anker_dual_e1600_sb_solarleistung name: 4x IBC Solar home: secondary_info: {} icon: mdi:power-socket-de name: Stromkreis clickable_entities: true display_zero_lines: true use_new_flow_rate_model: true w_decimals: 0 kw_decimals: 1 min_flow_rate: 0.75 max_flow_rate: 6 max_expected_power: 2000 min_expected_power: 0.01 watt_threshold: 1000 transparency_zero_lines: 0 layout_options: grid_columns: 8 grid_rows: auto column_span: 2 - type: grid cards: - type: heading heading: Solarbank 2 Pro heading_style: title icon: mdi:sun-compass tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /lovelace/garten badges: - type: entity entity: sensor.solarbank_2_e1600_pro_ladestand - type: tile entity: number.solarbank_2_e1600_pro_system_einspeisevorgabe layout_options: grid_columns: 4 grid_rows: 1 - type: tile entity: switch.system_solarbank_2_pro_api_nutzung layout_options: grid_columns: 4 grid_rows: 1 - type: custom:power-flow-card-plus entities: battery: entity: sensor.solarbank_2_e1600_pro_akkuleistung state_of_charge: sensor.solarbank_2_e1600_pro_ladestand invert_state: true name: Solarbank 2 Pro grid: secondary_info: {} solar: entity: sensor.solarbank_2_e1600_pro_solarleistung display_zero_state: true secondary_info: {} name: 4x MPPT PV home: secondary_info: {} icon: mdi:power-socket-de name: Stromkreis clickable_entities: true display_zero_lines: true use_new_flow_rate_model: true w_decimals: 0 kw_decimals: 1 min_flow_rate: 0.75 max_flow_rate: 6 max_expected_power: 2000 min_expected_power: 0.01 watt_threshold: 1000 transparency_zero_lines: 0 layout_options: grid_columns: 8 grid_rows: auto - type: tile entity: sensor.solarbank_2_e1600_pro_solar_pv1 - type: tile entity: sensor.solarbank_2_e1600_pro_solar_pv2 - type: tile entity: sensor.solarbank_2_e1600_pro_solar_pv3 - type: tile entity: sensor.solarbank_2_e1600_pro_solar_pv4 - type: tile entity: sensor.ibc_solarpanel_e_leistung layout_options: grid_columns: 4 grid_rows: 1 - type: tile layout_options: grid_columns: 4 grid_rows: 1 entity: sensor.bifaziale_solarpanel_e_leistung - type: tile entity: sensor.ibc_solarpanel_e_energie layout_options: grid_columns: 4 grid_rows: 1 - type: tile layout_options: grid_columns: 4 grid_rows: 1 entity: sensor.bifaziale_solarpanel_e_energie column_span: 2 - title: CCTV path: cctv icon: mdi:cctv cards: [] type: sections sections: - type: grid cards: - type: heading heading: Eingang - camera_view: live type: picture-glance title: Eingang image: https://demo.home-assistant.io/stub_config/kitchen.png entities: - entity: camera.reolink_altas_pt_ultra_klar icon: mdi:door-closed name: Tür secondary_info: Tür tap_action: action: call-service service: select.select_option service_data: entity_id: select.reolink_altas_pt_ultra_ptz_voreinstellung option: Tür - entity: camera.reolink_altas_pt_ultra_klar icon: mdi:road-variant name: Straße tap_action: action: call-service service: select.select_option service_data: entity_id: select.reolink_altas_pt_ultra_ptz_voreinstellung option: Straße - entity: camera.reolink_altas_pt_ultra_klar icon: mdi:stairs-up name: Treppe tap_action: action: call-service service: select.select_option service_data: entity_id: select.reolink_altas_pt_ultra_ptz_voreinstellung option: Treppe camera_image: camera.reolink_altas_pt_ultra_fliessend layout_options: grid_columns: 8 grid_rows: auto - type: tile entity: switch.bewegungslichter_eingang - type: tile entity: light.reolink_altas_pt_ultra_scheinwerfer name: Scheinwerfer icon: mdi:light-flood-down layout_options: grid_columns: 4 grid_rows: 1 - type: tile entity: binary_sensor.treppe_terasse_occupancy name: Treppe column_span: 2
Ansicht: System/Network
Fall du übrigens auch Auto-Updates für Home Assistant einrichten willst, dazu habe ich auch ein Video gemacht.
- title: System/Network path: system-network icon: mdi:layers-search-outline type: sections sections: - type: grid cards: - type: heading heading: System - type: entities entities: - entity: sensor.load_1m - entity: sensor.load_5m - entity: sensor.load_15m - entity: sensor.disk_use_percent - entity: sensor.last_boot - entity: sensor.network_out_eno1 - entity: sensor.network_in_eno1 column_span: 1 - type: grid cards: - type: heading heading: Update-Settings - type: tile entity: schedule.update_schedule layout_options: grid_columns: 3 grid_rows: 1 - show_name: true show_icon: true type: button tap_action: action: perform-action perform_action: update.install data: {} target: entity_id: all name: Alle Updates installieren icon: mdi:update layout_options: grid_columns: 1 grid_rows: 2 - type: tile entity: input_boolean.auto_updates_deaktivieren layout_options: grid_columns: 3 grid_rows: 1 column_span: 1 background: {} cards: []
Ansicht: Garten (Mähroboter)

Die Integration des Luba in Home Assistant habe ich in hier erklärt.
- title: Garten path: garten icon: mdi:grass type: sections sections: - type: grid cards: - type: heading heading: Mähroboter - type: custom:lawn-mower-card entity: lawn_mower.luba_vs6jgvnh image: battery: sensor.luba_vs6jgvnh_batterie show_toolbar: true show_shortcuts: true actions: start: action: mammotion.start_mow metadata: {} data: is_mow: false is_dump: false job_mode: 0 speed: 0.3 ultra_wave: 2 channel_mode: 2 channel_width: 23 rain_tactics: 1 blade_height: 40 toward_mode: 2 border_mode: 3 obstacle_laps: 1 start_progress: 0 areas: - switch.luba_vs6jgvnh - switch.luba_vs6jgvnh_2 target: entity_id: lawn_mower.luba_vs6jgvnh return_to_base: action: lawn_mower.dock target: entity_id: lawn_mower.luba_vs6jgvnh data: {} stats: default: - entity_id: sensor.luba_vs6jgvnh_satelliten_roboter subtitle: Satelliten (Roboter) - entity_id: sensor.luba_vs6jgvnh_schnitthohe unit: mm subtitle: Schnitthöhe mowing: - entity_id: sensor.luba_vs6jgvnh_mahgeschwindigkeit subtitle: Geschwindigkeit unit: m/s - entity_id: sensor.luba_vs6jgvnh_vergangene_zeit unit: minutes subtitle: Vergangene Zeit shortcuts: - name: Großen Rasen mähen action: mammotion.start_mow metadata: {} data: is_mow: false is_dump: false job_mode: 0 speed: 0.3 ultra_wave: 2 channel_mode: 2 channel_width: 23 rain_tactics: 1 blade_height: 40 toward_mode: 2 border_mode: 3 obstacle_laps: 1 start_progress: 0 areas: - switch.luba_vs6jgvnh target: entity_id: lawn_mower.luba_vs6jgvnh icon: mdi:image-filter-hdr-outline - name: Kleinen Rasen mähen action: mammotion.start_mow metadata: {} data: is_mow: false is_dump: false job_mode: 0 speed: 0.3 ultra_wave: 2 channel_mode: 2 channel_width: 23 rain_tactics: 1 blade_height: 40 toward_mode: 2 border_mode: 3 obstacle_laps: 1 start_progress: 0 areas: - switch.luba_vs6jgvnh_2 target: entity_id: lawn_mower.luba_vs6jgvnh icon: mdi:grass column_span: 1
Ansicht: Solar

Zum Anker-Beitrag geht’s hier, falls es dich interessiert.
- title: Solar path: solar icon: mdi:solar-power-variant-outline cards: [] type: sections sections: - type: grid cards: - type: heading heading: Solix E1600 Dual System - type: tile entity: number.solarbank_e1600_system_einspeisevorgabe layout_options: grid_columns: 4 grid_rows: 1 - type: tile entity: switch.system_anker_dual_e1600_api_nutzung layout_options: grid_columns: 4 grid_rows: 1 - type: custom:power-flow-card-plus entities: battery: entity: sensor.system_anker_dual_e1600_sb_akkuleistung state_of_charge: sensor.system_anker_dual_e1600_sb_ladestand invert_state: true name: 2x Solarbank 1 grid: secondary_info: {} solar: display_zero_state: true secondary_info: {} entity: sensor.system_anker_dual_e1600_sb_solarleistung name: 4x IBC Solar home: secondary_info: {} icon: mdi:power-socket-de name: Stromkreis clickable_entities: true display_zero_lines: true use_new_flow_rate_model: true w_decimals: 0 kw_decimals: 1 min_flow_rate: 0.75 max_flow_rate: 6 max_expected_power: 2000 min_expected_power: 0.01 watt_threshold: 1000 transparency_zero_lines: 0 layout_options: grid_columns: 8 grid_rows: auto column_span: 2 - type: grid cards: - type: heading heading: Solarbank 2 Pro heading_style: title icon: mdi:sun-compass tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /lovelace/garten badges: - type: entity entity: sensor.solarbank_2_e1600_pro_ladestand - type: tile entity: number.solarbank_2_e1600_pro_system_einspeisevorgabe layout_options: grid_columns: 4 grid_rows: 1 - type: tile entity: switch.system_solarbank_2_pro_api_nutzung layout_options: grid_columns: 4 grid_rows: 1 - type: custom:power-flow-card-plus entities: battery: entity: sensor.solarbank_2_e1600_pro_akkuleistung state_of_charge: sensor.solarbank_2_e1600_pro_ladestand invert_state: true name: Solarbank 2 Pro grid: secondary_info: {} solar: entity: sensor.solarbank_2_e1600_pro_solarleistung display_zero_state: true secondary_info: {} name: 4x MPPT PV home: secondary_info: {} icon: mdi:power-socket-de name: Stromkreis clickable_entities: true display_zero_lines: true use_new_flow_rate_model: true w_decimals: 0 kw_decimals: 1 min_flow_rate: 0.75 max_flow_rate: 6 max_expected_power: 2000 min_expected_power: 0.01 watt_threshold: 1000 transparency_zero_lines: 0 layout_options: grid_columns: 8 grid_rows: auto - type: tile entity: sensor.solarbank_2_e1600_pro_solar_pv1 - type: tile entity: sensor.solarbank_2_e1600_pro_solar_pv2 - type: tile entity: sensor.solarbank_2_e1600_pro_solar_pv3 - type: tile entity: sensor.solarbank_2_e1600_pro_solar_pv4 - type: tile entity: sensor.ibc_solarpanel_e_leistung layout_options: grid_columns: 4 grid_rows: 1 - type: tile layout_options: grid_columns: 4 grid_rows: 1 entity: sensor.bifaziale_solarpanel_e_leistung - type: tile entity: sensor.ibc_solarpanel_e_energie layout_options: grid_columns: 4 grid_rows: 1 - type: tile layout_options: grid_columns: 4 grid_rows: 1 entity: sensor.bifaziale_solarpanel_e_energie column_span: 2
Ansicht: CCTV (Kamera)

Zu den Reolink-Kameras folgt übrigens noch ein Video 🚀
- title: CCTV path: cctv icon: mdi:cctv cards: [] type: sections sections: - type: grid cards: - type: heading heading: Eingang - camera_view: live type: picture-glance title: Eingang image: https://demo.home-assistant.io/stub_config/kitchen.png entities: - entity: camera.reolink_altas_pt_ultra_klar icon: mdi:door-closed name: Tür secondary_info: Tür tap_action: action: call-service service: select.select_option service_data: entity_id: select.reolink_altas_pt_ultra_ptz_voreinstellung option: Tür - entity: camera.reolink_altas_pt_ultra_klar icon: mdi:road-variant name: Straße tap_action: action: call-service service: select.select_option service_data: entity_id: select.reolink_altas_pt_ultra_ptz_voreinstellung option: Straße - entity: camera.reolink_altas_pt_ultra_klar icon: mdi:stairs-up name: Treppe tap_action: action: call-service service: select.select_option service_data: entity_id: select.reolink_altas_pt_ultra_ptz_voreinstellung option: Treppe camera_image: camera.reolink_altas_pt_ultra_fliessend layout_options: grid_columns: 8 grid_rows: auto - type: tile entity: switch.bewegungslichter_eingang - type: tile entity: light.reolink_altas_pt_ultra_scheinwerfer name: Scheinwerfer icon: mdi:light-flood-down layout_options: grid_columns: 4 grid_rows: 1 - type: tile entity: binary_sensor.treppe_terasse_occupancy name: Treppe column_span: 2
Abschnitte – Mein Konzept mit Unteransichten

Dieses Konzept werde ich auch für mein finales 1.OG Dashboard übernehmen und würde ich generell so empfehlen. Aktuell habe ich nur nicht für das 1.OG gemacht, da ich noch keine Entitäten habe die ich in der Unteransicht anzeigen kann 😅

Hier der komplette Code, also für die Übersicht sowie die Unteransicht vom Schlafzimmer
views: - title: Home type: sections sections: - type: grid cards: - type: heading heading: Schlafzimmer heading_style: title icon: mdi:bed-king-outline badges: - type: entity show_state: true show_icon: true entity: sensor.arve_schlafzimmer_temperatur color: red tap_action: action: more-info - type: entity show_state: true show_icon: true entity: sensor.arve_schlafzimmer_luftfeuchtigkeit color: blue tap_action: action: more-info - type: entity show_state: true show_icon: true entity: sensor.arve_schlafzimmer_luftqualitatsindex color: accent tap_action: action: more-info - type: entity show_state: false show_icon: true entity: binary_sensor.hue_bewegungsmelder_occupancy tap_action: action: more-info tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-abschnitte/schlafzimmer - type: tile entity: light.deckenlampe_schlafzimmer - type: tile entity: binary_sensor.fenster_schlafzimmer_state - type: tile entity: light.stripe_schlafzimmer - type: tile entity: light.lines - type: tile entity: light.shapes_e22c - type: tile entity: light.shapes_tur - type: tile entity: light.elgato_bw01m1b02677 - type: tile entity: light.gluhbirne_schreibtisch - type: tile entity: light.mini_tisch_nanoleaf_bulb - type: tile entity: light.komode_nanoleaf_light_strip - type: tile entity: light.pyramide - type: tile entity: cover.rollo_schlafzimmer - type: grid cards: - type: heading heading: Flur heading_style: title icon: mdi:floor-plan max_columns: 4 icon: mdi:home-floor-g cards: [] background: {} - title: Schlafzimmer path: schlafzimmer icon: mdi:bed-king-outline cards: [] type: sections sections: - type: grid cards: - type: heading heading: Geräte heading_style: title icon: mdi:desktop-classic badges: - type: entity show_state: true show_icon: true entity: switch.mac_studio icon: mdi:apple tap_action: action: more-info - type: entity show_state: true show_icon: true entity: switch.smr223_2 icon: mdi:microsoft-windows tap_action: action: more-info - type: tile entity: switch.computer_schreibtisch icon: mdi:power-socket-eu icon_tap_action: action: none - type: tile entity: switch.ladegerat_smr223 - type: grid cards: - type: heading heading: Verdeckung heading_style: title icon: mdi:roller-shade badges: - type: entity show_state: true show_icon: true entity: binary_sensor.fenster_schlafzimmer_state tap_action: action: more-info - type: tile entity: cover.rollo_schlafzimmer layout_options: grid_columns: full - type: grid cards: - type: heading heading: Klima heading_style: title icon: mdi:home-thermometer-outline - type: thermostat entity: climate.heizung_schlafzimmer_int0000003 - type: grid cards: - type: heading heading: Licht heading_style: title icon: mdi:bed-king-outline badges: [] - type: tile entity: light.deckenlampe_schlafzimmer - type: tile entity: light.stripe_schlafzimmer - type: tile entity: light.lines - type: tile entity: light.shapes_e22c - type: tile entity: light.shapes_tur - type: tile entity: light.elgato_bw01m1b02677 - type: tile entity: light.gluhbirne_schreibtisch - type: tile entity: light.mini_tisch_nanoleaf_bulb - type: tile entity: light.komode_nanoleaf_light_strip - type: tile entity: light.pyramide badges: - type: entity entity: sensor.arve_schlafzimmer_temperatur - type: entity entity: sensor.arve_schlafzimmer_luftfeuchtigkeit - type: entity entity: sensor.arve_schlafzimmer_luftqualitatsindex - type: entity entity: >- sensor.arve_schlafzimmer_gesamtmenge_fluchtiger_organischer_verbindungen - type: entity entity: sensor.arve_schlafzimmer_kohlendioxid - type: entity entity: sensor.arve_schlafzimmer_pm10 - type: entity entity: sensor.arve_schlafzimmer_pm2_5 - type: entity entity: automation.helper_presence_sz - type: entity entity: binary_sensor.hue_bewegungsmelder_occupancy max_columns: 3 dense_section_placement: false subview: true
Vorheriges Dashboard-Video (Anfang 2024)
Hier noch der Vollständigkeit halber mein letztes Video aus 2024 zum Thema Dashboards, welches auf Vertikalen und horizontalen Stapeln basiert.
Die Optik ist relativ ähnlich, nur die genutzte Technik ist eine andere
Genutzte Karten
Karte | Typ | Doku |
Vertikaler Stapel | Standard | https://www.home-assistant.io/dashboards/tile/ |
Horizontaler Stapel | Standard | https://www.home-assistant.io/dashboards/horizontal-stack/ |
Kachel / Tile | Standard | https://www.home-assistant.io/dashboards/tile/ |
Bedingungskarte | Standard | https://www.home-assistant.io/dashboards/conditional/ |
Power Flow Card Plus | Custom (HACS) | https://github.com/flixlix/power-flow-card-plus |
Auto-entities | Custom (HACS) | https://github.com/thomasloven/lovelace-auto-entities |
Code meines kompletten Dashboards für euch 💙
Hinweis zum einfügen
Zum einfügen in deinen Home Assistant erstelle dir am besten ein neues (leeres) Dashboard ->
Wechselt zum neuen Dashboard und oben recht in den Bearbeitungsmodus
Danach geht ihr nochmal oben auf die 3 Punkte -> Raw-Konfigurationseditor
Hier könnt ihr den untenstehenden Code einfügen 🙌
views: - title: Home icon: mdi:home-floor-g badges: [] cards: - type: conditional conditions: - condition: screen media_query: '(min-width: 0px) and (max-width: 767px)' card: type: vertical-stack title: Eingang cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: lock.summer_haustur tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/eingang name: Summer icon_tap_action: action: toggle - type: conditional conditions: - condition: state entity: binary_sensor.haustur_contact state: 'on' card: type: tile entity: binary_sensor.haustur_contact tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/eingang name: Haustür - type: conditional conditions: - condition: state entity: switch.bewegungslichter_eingang state: 'off' card: type: tile entity: switch.bewegungslichter_eingang tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/eingang - type: vertical-stack title: Waschkeller cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: binary_sensor.waschmaschine tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/waschkeller - type: conditional conditions: - condition: state entity: binary_sensor.bewegungsmelder_waschkeller_occupancy state: 'on' card: type: tile entity: binary_sensor.bewegungsmelder_waschkeller_occupancy tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/waschkeller name: Bewegung - type: vertical-stack title: Flur cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: conditional conditions: - condition: state entity: binary_sensor.haustur_contact state: 'on' card: type: tile entity: binary_sensor.wohnungstur_contact tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/flur name: Wohnungstür - type: conditional conditions: - condition: state entity: binary_sensor.bewegungsmelder_flur_occupancy state: 'on' card: type: tile entity: binary_sensor.bewegungsmelder_flur_occupancy tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/flur name: Bewegung - type: tile entity: light.licht_flur_state tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/flur - type: vertical-stack title: Bad cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: sensor.heizung_bad_actual_temperature tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/bad name: Temperatur - type: conditional conditions: - condition: state entity: binary_sensor.bewegungsmelder_bad_motion state: 'on' card: type: tile entity: binary_sensor.bewegungsmelder_bad_motion tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/bad name: Bewegung - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: binary_sensor.badezimmer_duschen name: Duscherkennung tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/bad - type: tile entity: light.licht_spiegelschrank_state tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/bad - type: tile entity: climate.heizung_bad_int0000002 show_entity_picture: false tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/bad state_content: - state - current_temperature - temperature - type: tile entity: cover.rollo_badezimmer - type: vertical-stack title: Wohnbereich cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: sensor.wohnbereich_temperatursensor_temperature tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/wohnbereich name: Temperatur - type: tile entity: binary_sensor.hmip_smi55_2_00319d899ed9aa_motion tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/wohnbereich name: Bewegung - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: light.licht_kuche tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/wohnbereich name: Küche - type: tile entity: light.licht_tisch tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/wohnbereich name: Tisch - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: light.licht_wohnzimmer_state tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/wohnbereich name: Wohnzimmer - type: tile entity: light.stripes_wohnbereich tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/wohnbereich name: Stripes - type: tile entity: climate.heizung_wohnbereich_int0000001 show_entity_picture: false tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/wohnbereich state_content: - state - current_temperature - temperature - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: cover.rollo_kuche tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/wohnbereich name: Küche - type: tile entity: cover.rollo_wohnzimmer tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/wohnbereich name: Wohnzimmer - type: tile entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/robi name: Saugroboter - type: vertical-stack title: Schlafzimmer cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: sensor.aqara_tvoc_air_quality_monitor_temperature tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/schlafzimmer name: Temperatur - type: tile entity: binary_sensor.hue_bewegungsmelder_occupancy tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/schlafzimmer name: Bewegung - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: light.shapes_tur tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/schlafzimmer name: Tür - type: tile entity: light.mini_tisch_nanoleaf_bulb tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/schlafzimmer name: Tisch - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: light.lines tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/schlafzimmer name: Lines - type: tile entity: light.gluhbirne_schreibtisch tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/schlafzimmer name: Glühbirne - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: light.elgato_bw01m1b02677 tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/schlafzimmer name: Key Light - type: tile entity: light.shapes_e22c tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/schlafzimmer name: Schreibtisch - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: light.stripe_schlafzimmer tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/schlafzimmer name: Stripe - type: tile entity: light.komode_nanoleaf_light_strip tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/schlafzimmer name: Komode - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: light.deckenlampe_schlafzimmer tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/schlafzimmer name: Deckenlampe - type: tile entity: light.nachttischlampe tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/schlafzimmer - type: tile entity: climate.heizung_schlafzimmer_int0000003 show_entity_picture: false tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/schlafzimmer state_content: - state - temperature - current_temperature - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: cover.rollo_schlafzimmer tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/schlafzimmer name: Schlafzimmer - type: tile entity: binary_sensor.fenster_schlafzimmer_state tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/schlafzimmer name: Fenster - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: switch.smr223_2 tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/schlafzimmer name: Laptop - type: tile entity: switch.mac_studio tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/schlafzimmer name: Mac icon: mdi:laptop - type: conditional conditions: - condition: screen media_query: '(min-width: 0px) and (max-width: 767px)' card: type: vertical-stack title: Garagen cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: cover.garage_door - type: tile entity: cover.garage_door_2 - type: conditional conditions: - condition: state entity: switch.licht_garage_2_og state: 'on' card: type: tile entity: switch.licht_garage_2_og - title: Lichter path: lichter icon: mdi:lightbulb-multiple badges: [] cards: - type: custom:auto-entities title: Angeschaltet show_empty: false sort: method: friendly_name card: type: grid square: false columns: 2 card_param: cards filter: include: - domain: light state: 'on' options: type: tile exclude: - name: '*Reolink*' - type: custom:auto-entities show_empty: false sort: method: friendly_name card: type: grid square: false columns: 2 card_param: cards filter: include: - domain: light state: 'off' options: type: tile exclude: - name: '*iPhone*' - title: Live-Energie path: e icon: mdi:lightning-bolt badges: [] cards: - type: vertical-stack title: Stromfluss (live) cards: - type: custom:power-flow-card-plus entities: grid: entity: sensor.hichiirwifi_sgm_c4_4a920l_energy_power solar: entity: sensor.balkonsolar_power display_zero_state: true home: {} clickable_entities: true display_zero_lines: mode: show transparency: 50 grey_color: - 189 - 189 - 189 use_new_flow_rate_model: true w_decimals: 0 kw_decimals: 1 min_flow_rate: 0.75 max_flow_rate: 6 max_expected_power: 2000 min_expected_power: 0.01 watt_threshold: 1000 transparency_zero_lines: 0 dashboard_link: /energy dashboard_link_label: Energiedashboard - type: tile entity: input_number.aktueller_strompreis tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/live-energie - type: vertical-stack title: Balkonsolar cards: - type: conditional conditions: - condition: state entity: switch.balkonsolar state: 'off' card: type: tile entity: switch.balkonsolar tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/live-energie - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: sensor.balkonsolar_kwh_taglich name: Produkton heute tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/live-energie - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: sensor.zuruck_zum_netz_kwh_taglich name: Einspeisung heute tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/live-energie - type: vertical-stack title: Energieverbrauchszusammensetzung cards: - type: custom:apexcharts-card chart_type: donut graph_span: 1h header: show: false title: Energieverbrauchszusammensetzung show_states: false colorize_states: true series: - entity: sensor.netzwerkschrank_power name: Netzwerk - entity: sensor.kuhlschrank_energy_power name: Kühlschrank - entity: sensor.computer_schreibtisch_power name: Computer - entity: sensor.entertainment_fernseher_av_telefon_power name: Entertainment - entity: sensor.shapes_tur_power name: Shapes Tür - entity: sensor.nanoleaf_shapes_power name: Shapes Tisch - entity: sensor.nanoleaf_lines_power name: Lines - entity: sensor.kuche_power name: L Küche - entity: sensor.tisch_power name: L Tisch - entity: sensor.wohnzimmer_energy name: L WZ - entity: sensor.flur_power name: L Flur - entity: sensor.homepod_mini_bad_power name: HP Bad - entity: sensor.homepod_mini_schlafzimmer_power name: HP SZ - entity: sensor.homepod_wz_power name: HP WZ - entity: sensor.reolink_e1_zoom_power name: Cam apex_config: chart: toolbar: show: true - title: Garten path: garten icon: mdi:leaf badges: [] cards: - type: vertical-stack title: Lichter cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: light.lichterkette_pavillon - type: tile entity: light.stripe_mauer_pavillon - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: light.gartenstrahler - type: tile entity: light.terrassenlampe_1_og - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: light.wandlampe_treppe - type: tile entity: scene.gartenlichter_orange - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: light.gartenlichter - type: vertical-stack title: Mähroboter cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: vacuum.oben_l1000 tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/landroids - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: vacuum.unten tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/landroids - type: vertical-stack title: Bewässerung cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: switch.remotebewcmp_garten_sprinkler tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/bewasserung name: Bewässerungscomputer Hauptschalter icon: mdi:light-switch - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: switch.remotebewcmp_rasen_oben tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/bewasserung name: Rasen oben icon: mdi:timer-play-outline - type: tile entity: number.remotebewcmp_rasen_oben_laufzeit name: Laufzeit tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/bewasserung - type: vertical-stack title: Pumpe cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: switch.gartenpumpe tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/garten-pumpe name: Bewässerungscomputer Hauptschalter icon: '' - type: conditional conditions: - condition: screen media_query: '(min-width: 0px)' card: type: vertical-stack title: Garagen cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: cover.garage_door - type: tile entity: cover.garage_door_2 - type: tile entity: switch.licht_garage_2_og - icon: mdi:battery-20 title: Batterien path: batterien badges: [] cards: - type: custom:auto-entities show_empty: false sort: method: friendly_name card: type: grid square: false columns: 1 card_param: cards filter: include: - entity_id: '*_battery' state: <= 50 options: type: tile exclude: - name: '*iPhone*' - title: Eingang path: eingang icon: fas:door-closed subview: true badges: [] cards: - type: vertical-stack title: Haustür cards: - type: tile entity: lock.summer_haustur - type: entities entities: - entity: binary_sensor.haustur_contact name: Haustür - entity: sensor.haustur_battery name: Sensor Batterie - type: history-graph entities: - entity: binary_sensor.haustur_contact hours_to_show: 6 - type: vertical-stack title: Schalter Schlüsseltresor cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: sensor.0x00124b002919b6a5_last_seen vertical: true - type: tile entity: sensor.switch_zahlentresor_battery vertical: true - type: vertical-stack title: Licht cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: switch.bewegungslichter_eingang vertical: true - type: vertical-stack title: Tradfri Button cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: sensor.tradfri_button_hauseingang_action vertical: true name: Aktion - type: tile entity: sensor.tradfri_button_hauseingang_battery vertical: true name: Batterie - type: vertical-stack title: Briefkastenklappe cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: binary_sensor.vibrationssensor_briefkastenklappe_vibration vertical: true name: Vibration - type: tile entity: sensor.vibrationssensor_briefkastenklappe_battery vertical: true name: Batterie - type: history-graph entities: - entity: sensor.vibrationssensor_briefkastenklappe_action name: Aktion hours_to_show: 24 - type: vertical-stack title: Garage 1. OG cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: cover.garage_door_2 vertical: true - type: tile entity: sensor.garagentor_2_og_torsensor_battery name: Batterie Kontaktsensor vertical: true - title: Waschkeller path: waschkeller icon: mdi:washing-machine subview: true badges: [] cards: - type: vertical-stack title: Flur cards: - chart_type: line period: hour type: statistics-graph entities: - sensor.waschmaschine_power stat_types: - mean - min - max days_to_show: 2 - type: glance entities: - entity: switch.waschmaschine name: Strom-Schalter - entity: sensor.waschmaschine_energy name: Verbrauch - entity: sensor.waschmaschine_power name: Leistung - type: tile entity: binary_sensor.waschmaschine state_content: last-changed - type: vertical-stack title: Umgebung cards: - type: glance entities: - entity: binary_sensor.bewegungsmelder_waschkeller_occupancy name: Bewegung - entity: >- binary_sensor.bewegungsmelder_waschkeller_illuminance_above_threshold name: Helligkeits-Schwelle - entity: sensor.bewegungsmelder_waschkeller_battery name: Batterie - title: Flur path: flur icon: mdi:floor-plan subview: true badges: [] cards: - type: vertical-stack title: Flur cards: - type: tile entity: light.licht_flur_state - chart_type: line period: hour type: statistics-graph entities: - sensor.netzwerkschrank_power stat_types: - mean - min - max days_to_show: 2 - type: glance entities: - entity: switch.netzwerkschrank name: Strom-Schalter - entity: sensor.netzwerkschrank_energy name: Verbrauch - entity: sensor.netzwerkschrank_power name: Leistung - type: vertical-stack title: Umgebung cards: - type: glance entities: - entity: binary_sensor.bewegungsmelder_flur_occupancy name: Bewegung - entity: sensor.bewegungsmelder_flur_battery name: Batterie - entity: sensor.heizung_flur_actual_temperature name: Temperatur - features: - type: target-temperature - type: climate-hvac-modes hvac_modes: - auto - heat - 'off' - type: climate-preset-modes style: dropdown preset_modes: - boost - comfort - eco - none type: tile entity: climate.heizung_wohnbereich_int0000001 - title: Bad path: bad icon: mdi:shower subview: true badges: [] cards: - type: vertical-stack title: Bad cards: - type: tile entity: light.licht_spiegelschrank_state - type: vertical-stack title: Umgebung cards: - type: glance entities: - entity: binary_sensor.bewegungsmelder_bad_motion name: Bewegung - entity: binary_sensor.bewegungstaster_bad_lowbat name: Batterie - entity: sensor.bewegungsmelder_bad_brightness name: Helligkeit - type: tile entity: binary_sensor.badezimmer_duschen - type: history-graph entities: - entity: binary_sensor.badezimmer_duschen name: Verlauf hours_to_show: 48 - type: vertical-stack title: Klima cards: - type: glance entities: - entity: sensor.aqara_tempature_and_humidity_sensor_temperature name: Temperatur - entity: sensor.aqara_tempature_and_humidity_sensor_humidity name: Luftfeuchte - entity: sensor.aqara_tempature_and_humidity_sensor_battery name: Batterie - chart_type: line period: hour type: statistics-graph entities: - sensor.aqara_tempature_and_humidity_sensor_humidity - sensor.aqara_tempature_and_humidity_sensor_temperature days_to_show: 1 stat_types: - mean hide_legend: false - features: - type: target-temperature - type: climate-hvac-modes hvac_modes: - auto - heat - 'off' - type: climate-preset-modes style: dropdown preset_modes: - boost - comfort - eco - none type: tile entity: climate.heizung_bad_int0000002 - title: Wohnbereich path: wohnbereich icon: mdi:sofa subview: true badges: [] cards: - type: vertical-stack title: Wohnbereich cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: light.licht_kuche tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/bad name: Küche - type: tile entity: light.licht_tisch tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/bad name: Tisch - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: light.licht_wohnzimmer_state tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/bad name: Wohnzimmer - type: tile entity: light.stripes_wohnbereich tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/bad name: Stripes - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: cover.rollo_kuche tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/bad name: Küche - type: tile entity: cover.rollo_wohnzimmer tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/bad name: Wohnzimmer - type: vertical-stack title: Umgebung cards: - type: glance entities: - entity: binary_sensor.hmip_smi55_2_00319d899ed9aa_motion name: Bewegung - entity: binary_sensor.hmip_smi55_2_00319d899ed9aa_low_bat name: Batterie - entity: sensor.hmip_smi55_2_00319d899ed9aa_illumination name: Helligkeit - type: history-graph entities: - entity: binary_sensor.hmip_smi55_2_00319d899ed9aa_motion name: Verlauf hours_to_show: 48 - type: vertical-stack title: Klima cards: - type: glance entities: - entity: sensor.wohnbereich_temperatursensor_temperature name: Temperatur - entity: sensor.wohnbereich_temperatursensor_humidity name: Luftfeuchte - entity: sensor.wohnbereich_temperatursensor_battery name: Batterie - chart_type: line period: hour type: statistics-graph entities: - sensor.wohnbereich_temperatursensor_humidity - sensor.wohnbereich_temperatursensor_temperature days_to_show: 1 stat_types: - mean hide_legend: false unit: °C - features: - type: target-temperature - type: climate-hvac-modes hvac_modes: - auto - heat - 'off' - type: climate-preset-modes style: dropdown preset_modes: - boost - comfort - eco - none type: tile entity: climate.heizung_wohnbereich_int0000001 - type: vertical-stack title: Geräte cards: - type: tile entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/robi name: Saugroboter - type: tile entity: binary_sensor.geschirrspuler_door tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/bad name: Geschirrspüler - camera_view: live type: picture-glance title: Küche image: https://demo.home-assistant.io/stub_config/kitchen.png entities: - entity: camera.reolinke1zoom_sub icon: mdi:numeric-1-box-outline name: Uebersicht secondary_info: Uebersicht tap_action: action: call-service service: select.select_option service_data: entity_id: select.reolinke1zoom_ptz_voreinstellung option: Uebersicht - entity: camera.reolinke1zoom_sub icon: mdi:numeric-2-box-outline name: Wohnzimmer tap_action: action: call-service service: select.select_option service_data: entity_id: select.reolinke1zoom_ptz_voreinstellung option: Wohnzimmer - entity: camera.reolinke1zoom_sub icon: mdi:numeric-3-box-outline name: Flur tap_action: action: call-service service: select.select_option service_data: entity_id: select.reolinke1zoom_ptz_voreinstellung option: Flur - entity: camera.reolinke1zoom_sub icon: mdi:numeric-4-box-outline name: Küche tap_action: action: call-service service: select.select_option service_data: entity_id: select.reolinke1zoom_ptz_voreinstellung option: Kueche camera_image: camera.reolinke1zoom_sub - type: markdown content: |- **1**: Übersicht **2**: Tisch / SZ Tür **3**: Flur **4**: Küchenarbeitsplatte - title: Schlafzimmer path: schlafzimmer icon: mdi:bed subview: true badges: [] cards: - type: vertical-stack title: Schlafzimmer cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: light.shapes_tur name: Tür - type: tile entity: light.mini_tisch_nanoleaf_bulb name: Tisch - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: light.lines name: Lines - type: tile entity: light.gluhbirne_schreibtisch name: Glühbirne - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: light.elgato_bw01m1b02677 name: Key Light - type: tile entity: light.shapes_e22c name: Schreibtisch - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: light.stripe_schlafzimmer name: Stripe - type: tile entity: light.komode_nanoleaf_light_strip name: Komode - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: light.deckenlampe_schlafzimmer name: Deckenlampe - type: tile entity: light.nachttischlampe - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: cover.rollo_schlafzimmer name: Schlafzimmer - type: vertical-stack title: Umgebung cards: - type: glance entities: - entity: binary_sensor.hue_bewegungsmelder_occupancy name: Bewegung - entity: sensor.hue_bewegungsmelder_battery name: Batterie - entity: sensor.hue_bewegungsmelder_illuminance_lux name: Helligkeit - type: history-graph entities: - entity: binary_sensor.hue_bewegungsmelder_occupancy name: Verlauf hours_to_show: 48 - type: vertical-stack title: Klima cards: - type: glance entities: - entity: sensor.aqara_tvoc_air_quality_monitor_temperature name: Temperatur - entity: sensor.aqara_tvoc_air_quality_monitor_humidity name: Luftfeuchte - entity: sensor.aqara_tvoc_air_quality_monitor_battery name: Batterie - chart_type: line period: hour type: statistics-graph entities: - sensor.aqara_tvoc_air_quality_monitor_humidity - sensor.aqara_tvoc_air_quality_monitor_temperature days_to_show: 1 stat_types: - mean hide_legend: false - features: - type: target-temperature - type: climate-hvac-modes hvac_modes: - auto - heat - 'off' - type: climate-preset-modes style: dropdown preset_modes: - boost - comfort - eco - none type: tile entity: climate.heizung_schlafzimmer_int0000003 - type: tile entity: fan.levoit_core300s features: - type: fan-speed - type: conditional conditions: - condition: state entity: binary_sensor.fenster_schlafzimmer_state state_not: 'off' card: type: tile entity: binary_sensor.fenster_schlafzimmer_state name: Fenster - type: vertical-stack title: Geräte cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: switch.ladegerat_smr223 tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: /dashboard-roombased/schlafzimmer name: Ladegerät Laptop - type: tile entity: switch.computer_schreibtisch icon: mdi:laptop name: Computer Tisch icon_tap_action: action: more-info - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: tile entity: switch.smr223_2 name: Laptop - type: tile entity: switch.mac_studio name: Mac icon: mdi:laptop - title: Robi path: robi icon: mdi:robot-vacuum subview: true badges: [] cards: - type: custom:xiaomi-vacuum-map-card map_source: camera: camera.roborock_s7_map calibration_source: camera: true entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 vacuum_platform: send_command map_modes: - template: vacuum_clean_zone - template: vacuum_goto - name: Wohnung EG icon: mdi:select-drag selection_type: ROOM service_call_schema: service: roborock.vacuum_clean_segment service_data: segments: '[[selection]]' target: entity_id: '[[entity_id]]' predefined_selections: - id: '16' icon: name: mdi:broom x: 21775 'y': 31875 label: text: Hausflur x: 21775 'y': 31875 offset_y: 35 outline: - - 16400 - 30350 - - 27150 - 30350 - - 27150 - 33400 - - 16400 - 33400 - id: '17' icon: name: mdi:broom x: 18225 'y': 27525 label: text: Schlafzimmer x: 18225 'y': 27525 offset_y: 35 outline: - - 16300 - 25000 - - 20150 - 25000 - - 20150 - 30050 - - 16300 - 30050 - id: '18' icon: name: mdi:broom x: 22275 'y': 27825 label: text: Wohnzimmer x: 22275 'y': 27825 offset_y: 35 outline: - - 20200 - 25050 - - 24350 - 25050 - - 24350 - 30600 - - 20200 - 30600 - id: '19' icon: name: mdi:broom x: 26400 'y': 29500 label: text: Flur x: 26400 'y': 29500 offset_y: 35 outline: - - 24350 - 28650 - - 28450 - 28650 - - 28450 - 30350 - - 24350 - 30350 - id: '20' icon: name: mdi:broom x: 25850 'y': 26925 label: text: Küche x: 25850 'y': 26925 offset_y: 35 outline: - - 24300 - 25150 - - 27400 - 25150 - - 27400 - 28700 - - 24300 - 28700 - id: '21' icon: name: mdi:broom x: 28500 'y': 26875 label: text: Bad x: 28500 'y': 26875 offset_y: 35 outline: - - 27700 - 25150 - - 29300 - 25150 - - 29300 - 28600 - - 27700 - 28600 - id: '22' icon: name: mdi:broom x: 29650 'y': 31725 label: text: Eingangsbereich x: 29650 'y': 31725 offset_y: 35 outline: - - 27100 - 28300 - - 32200 - 28300 - - 32200 - 35150 - - 27100 - 35150 - id: '24' icon: name: mdi:broom x: 22700 'y': 33550 label: text: Waschkeller x: 22700 'y': 33550 offset_y: 35 outline: - - 21450 - 31750 - - 23950 - 31750 - - 23950 - 35350 - - 21450 - 35350 - id: '25' icon: name: mdi:broom x: 17425 'y': 33525 label: text: Keller 2 x: 17425 'y': 33525 offset_y: 35 outline: - - 16700 - 31700 - - 18150 - 31700 - - 18150 - 35350 - - 16700 - 35350 - id: '26' icon: name: mdi:broom x: 20300 'y': 33450 label: text: Keller 1 x: 20300 'y': 33450 offset_y: 35 outline: - - 19500 - 31650 - - 21100 - 31650 - - 21100 - 35250 - - 19500 - 35250 map_locked: true two_finger_pan: false tiles: - tile_id: status entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 label: Status attribute: status icon: mdi:robot-vacuum translations: starting: Starting charger disconnected: Charger disconnected idle: Idle remote control active: Remote control active cleaning: Cleaning returning home: Returning home manual mode: Manual mode charging: Charging charging problem: Charging problem paused: Paused spot cleaning: Spot cleaning error: Error shutting down: Shutting down updating: Updating docking: Docking going to target: Going to target zoned cleaning: Zoned cleaning segment cleaning: Segment cleaning emptying the bin: Emptying the bin charging complete: Charging complete device offline: Device offline - tile_id: battery_level entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 label: Battery attribute: battery_level icon: mdi:battery-charging-100 unit: '%' - tile_id: fan_speed entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 label: Fan speed attribute: fan_speed icon: mdi:fan translations: silent: Silent standard: Standard medium: Medium turbo: Turbo auto: Auto gentle: Gentle icons: - icon: mdi:play conditions: - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 value_not: cleaning - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 value_not: error - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 value_not: returning tooltip: Start tap_action: action: call-service service: vacuum.start service_data: entity_id: vacuum.roborock_s7 - icon: mdi:pause conditions: - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 value_not: docked - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 value_not: idle - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 value_not: error - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 value_not: paused tooltip: Pause tap_action: action: call-service service: vacuum.pause service_data: entity_id: vacuum.roborock_s7 - icon: mdi:stop conditions: - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 value_not: docked - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 value_not: idle - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 value_not: error - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 value_not: paused tooltip: Stop tap_action: action: call-service service: vacuum.stop service_data: entity_id: vacuum.roborock_s7 - icon: mdi:home-map-marker conditions: - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 value_not: docked - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 value_not: returning tooltip: Return to base tap_action: action: call-service service: vacuum.return_to_base service_data: entity_id: vacuum.roborock_s7 - icon: mdi:target-variant conditions: - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 value_not: docked - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 value_not: error - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 value_not: cleaning - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 value_not: returning tooltip: Clean spot tap_action: action: call-service service: vacuum.clean_spot service_data: entity_id: vacuum.roborock_s7 - icon: mdi:map-marker tooltip: Locate tap_action: action: call-service service: vacuum.locate service_data: entity_id: vacuum.roborock_s7 - icon: mdi:fan-alert conditions: - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 attribute: fan_speed value: 'off' tooltip: Change fan speed tap_action: action: call-service service: vacuum.set_fan_speed service_data: entity_id: vacuum.roborock_s7 fan_speed: silent - icon: mdi:fan-alert conditions: - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 attribute: fan_speed value: silent tooltip: Change fan speed tap_action: action: call-service service: vacuum.set_fan_speed service_data: entity_id: vacuum.roborock_s7 fan_speed: balanced - icon: mdi:fan-alert conditions: - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 attribute: fan_speed value: balanced tooltip: Change fan speed tap_action: action: call-service service: vacuum.set_fan_speed service_data: entity_id: vacuum.roborock_s7 fan_speed: turbo - icon: mdi:fan-alert conditions: - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 attribute: fan_speed value: turbo tooltip: Change fan speed tap_action: action: call-service service: vacuum.set_fan_speed service_data: entity_id: vacuum.roborock_s7 fan_speed: max - icon: mdi:fan-alert conditions: - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 attribute: fan_speed value: max tooltip: Change fan speed tap_action: action: call-service service: vacuum.set_fan_speed service_data: entity_id: vacuum.roborock_s7 fan_speed: max_plus - icon: mdi:fan-alert conditions: - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 attribute: fan_speed value: max_plus tooltip: Change fan speed tap_action: action: call-service service: vacuum.set_fan_speed service_data: entity_id: vacuum.roborock_s7 fan_speed: custom - icon: mdi:fan-alert conditions: - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 attribute: fan_speed value: custom tooltip: Change fan speed tap_action: action: call-service service: vacuum.set_fan_speed service_data: entity_id: vacuum.roborock_s7 fan_speed: 'off' - icon: mdi:fan-alert conditions: - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 attribute: fan_speed value_not: 'off' - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 attribute: fan_speed value_not: silent - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 attribute: fan_speed value_not: balanced - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 attribute: fan_speed value_not: turbo - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 attribute: fan_speed value_not: max - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 attribute: fan_speed value_not: max_plus - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 attribute: fan_speed value_not: custom tooltip: Change fan speed tap_action: action: call-service service: vacuum.set_fan_speed service_data: entity_id: vacuum.roborock_s7 fan_speed: 'off' - icon: mdi:home-floor-1 tooltip: Karte - EG tap_action: action: call-service service: roborock.vacuum_load_multi_map service_data: entity_id: vacuum.roborock_s7 map_flag: 1 - icon: mdi:home-floor-2 tooltip: Karte - 2. OG tap_action: action: call-service service: roborock.vacuum_load_multi_map service_data: entity_id: vacuum.roborock_s7 map_flag: 0 - icon: mdi:water-off conditions: - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 attribute: waterBoxMode value: 200 tooltip: Change mop intensity tap_action: action: call-service service: vacuum.send_command service_data: command: set_water_box_custom_mode params: 201 target: entity_id: vacuum.roborock_s7 - icon: mdi:wave conditions: - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 attribute: waterBoxMode value: 201 tooltip: Change mop intensity tap_action: action: call-service service: vacuum.send_command service_data: command: set_water_box_custom_mode params: 202 target: entity_id: vacuum.roborock_s7 - icon: mdi:waves-arrow-up conditions: - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 attribute: waterBoxMode value: 202 tooltip: Change mop intensity tap_action: action: call-service service: vacuum.send_command service_data: command: set_water_box_custom_mode params: 203 target: entity_id: vacuum.roborock_s7 - icon: mdi:waves conditions: - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 attribute: waterBoxMode value: 203 tooltip: Change mop intensity tap_action: action: call-service service: vacuum.send_command service_data: command: set_water_box_custom_mode params: 200 target: entity_id: vacuum.roborock_s7 - icon: mdi:waves conditions: - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 attribute: waterBoxMode value_not: 200 - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 attribute: waterBoxMode value_not: 201 - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 attribute: waterBoxMode value_not: 202 - entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 attribute: waterBoxMode value_not: 203 - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - show_name: true show_icon: true type: button tap_action: action: call-service service: automation.trigger target: entity_id: automation.vac_wohnung_saugen data: skip_condition: true entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 name: Wohnung saugen hold_action: action: none icon: mdi:floor-plan - show_name: true show_icon: true type: button tap_action: action: call-service service: automation.trigger target: entity_id: automation.vac_wohnung_saugen data: skip_condition: true entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 name: Wohnung saugen hold_action: action: none icon: mdi:floor-plan - type: horizontal-stack cards: - show_name: true show_icon: true type: button tap_action: action: call-service service: automation.trigger target: entity_id: automation.vac_wohnbereich_saugen data: skip_condition: true entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 name: Wohnbereich saugen hold_action: action: none icon: mdi:sofa-outline - show_name: true show_icon: true type: button tap_action: action: call-service service: automation.trigger target: entity_id: automation.vac_wohnbereich_kombifahrt data: skip_condition: true entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 name: Wohnbereich Kombi hold_action: action: none icon: mdi:sofa-outline - type: horizontal-stack cards: - show_name: true show_icon: true type: button tap_action: action: call-service service: automation.trigger target: entity_id: automation.vac_kuche_saugen data: skip_condition: true entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 name: Küche Saugen hold_action: action: none icon: fas:kitchen-set - show_name: true show_icon: true type: button tap_action: action: call-service service: automation.trigger target: entity_id: automation.vac_kuche_kombifahrt data: skip_condition: true entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 name: Küche Kombi hold_action: action: none icon: fas:kitchen-set - type: horizontal-stack cards: - show_name: true show_icon: true type: button tap_action: action: call-service service: automation.trigger target: entity_id: automation.vac_badezimmer_saugen data: skip_condition: true entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 name: Bad Saugen hold_action: action: none icon: mdi:shower - show_name: true show_icon: true type: button tap_action: action: call-service service: automation.trigger target: entity_id: automation.vac_clean_bath data: skip_condition: true entity: vacuum.roborock_s7 name: Bad Tiefenreinigung hold_action: action: none icon: mdi:shower - title: Live-Energie path: live-energie icon: mdi:home-lightning-bolt-outline subview: true type: panel badges: [] cards: - type: vertical-stack title: Live-Werte cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: gauge entity: sensor.balkonsolar_power max: 600 needle: true severity: green: 200 yellow: 350 red: 450 name: Balkonsolar - type: entities entities: - entity: sensor.balkonsolar_kwh_taglich name: Täglich - entity: sensor.balkonsolar_energy name: Gesamt - entity: switch.balkonsolar name: Status state_color: false - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: gauge entity: sensor.zuruck_zum_netz_watt_v2 max: 600 needle: true severity: green: 200 yellow: 350 red: 450 name: Zurück zum Netz - type: entities entities: - entity: sensor.zuruck_zum_netz_kwh_taglich name: Täglich - entity: sensor.zuruck_zum_netz_kwh_v2 name: Gesamt - entity: sensor.solar_eigenverbrauch_watt_v2 - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: gauge entity: sensor.hichiirwifi_sgm_c4_4a920l_energy_power name: Netzbezug needle: true severity: green: 350 yellow: 750 red: 1500 max: 3000 - type: entities entities: - entity: input_number.aktueller_strompreis - entity: sensor.balkonsolar_vorteil - entity: sensor.balkonsolar_vorteil_in_euro_vz name: Vorteil in Euro - title: Landroids path: landroids subview: true icon: mdi:robot-mower badges: - entity: vacuum.unten - entity: vacuum.oben_l1000 cards: - image: default image_size: '4' show_animation: true show_status: true show_toolbar: true type: custom:landroid-card entity: vacuum.oben_l1000 show_name: true image_left: false compact_view: false - image: default image_size: '4' show_animation: true show_status: true show_toolbar: true type: custom:landroid-card entity: vacuum.unten show_name: true - title: Bewässerung path: bewasserung icon: mdi:hydro-power subview: true badges: [] cards: - type: horizontal-stack title: Bewässerungs-System cards: - show_name: true show_icon: true type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.remotebewcmp_garten_sprinkler icon: mdi:hydro-power name: Bewässerungscomputer - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: gauge entity: sensor.remotebewcmp_wifi_signal_percent name: WiFi - show_name: false show_icon: true type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: button.remotebewcmp_garten_sprinkler_neu_starten - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: gauge entity: number.remotebewcmp_garten_sprinkler_multiplier min: 0 max: 5 name: Multi - type: gauge entity: number.remotebewcmp_garten_sprinkler_repeat min: 0 max: 5 name: Rep. - show_name: false show_icon: true type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.remotebewcmp_garten_sprinkler_reverse icon: mdi:keyboard-tab-reverse - type: horizontal-stack title: Relay/Valve 1 cards: - show_name: true show_icon: true type: button tap_action: action: toggle icon: mdi:sprinkler name: Blumenwiese entity: switch.remotebewcmp_blumenwiese - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: gauge entity: number.remotebewcmp_blumenwiese_laufzeit name: Laufzeit min: 30 max: 600 needle: false - show_name: false show_icon: true type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.remotebewcmp_aktiviere_blumenwiese icon: mdi:power - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: history-graph entities: - entity: switch.remotebewcmp_blumenwiese name: Verl. hours_to_show: 22 - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: horizontal-stack title: Relay/Valve 2 cards: - show_name: true show_icon: true type: button tap_action: action: toggle icon: mdi:sprinkler name: Rasen Oben entity: switch.remotebewcmp_rasen_oben - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: gauge entity: number.remotebewcmp_rasen_oben_laufzeit name: Laufzeit min: 30 max: 600 needle: false - show_name: false show_icon: true type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.remotebewcmp_aktiviere_rasen_oben icon: mdi:power - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: history-graph entities: - entity: switch.remotebewcmp_rasen_oben name: Verl. hours_to_show: 22 - graph: line type: sensor entity: sensor.rasen_oben_daily_adjusted_run_time detail: 2 - type: horizontal-stack title: Relay/Valve 3 cards: - show_name: true show_icon: true type: button tap_action: action: toggle icon: mdi:sprinkler name: Gemüse entity: switch.remotebewcmp_gemuse - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: gauge entity: number.remotebewcmp_gemuse_laufzeit name: Laufzeit min: 30 max: 600 needle: false - show_name: false show_icon: true type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.remotebewcmp_aktiviere_gemuse icon: mdi:power - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: history-graph entities: - entity: switch.remotebewcmp_gemuse name: Verl. hours_to_show: 22 - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: horizontal-stack title: Relay/Valve 4 cards: - show_name: true show_icon: true type: button tap_action: action: toggle icon: mdi:sprinkler name: Himbeeren entity: switch.remotebewcmp_himbeeren - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: gauge entity: number.remotebewcmp_himbeeren_laufzeit name: Laufzeit min: 30 max: 600 needle: false - show_name: false show_icon: true type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.remotebewcmp_aktiviere_himbeeren icon: mdi:power - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: history-graph entities: - entity: switch.remotebewcmp_himbeeren name: Verl. hours_to_show: 22 - graph: line type: sensor entity: sensor.himbeeren_daily_adjusted_run_time detail: 2 - title: Garten-Pumpe path: garten-pumpe icon: mdi:pump subview: true badges: - entity: switch.gartenpumpe - entity: sensor.gartenpumpe_power - entity: sensor.gartenpumpe_energy cards: - show_name: true show_icon: true type: button tap_action: action: toggle entity: switch.gartenpumpe name: Pumpe - graph: line type: sensor entity: sensor.gartenpumpe_power detail: 2 unit: Watt hours_to_show: 48 name: Verbrauch - icon: mdi:alert title: Testing path: testing badges: [] cards: - type: custom:auto-entities show_empty: false card: type: vertical-stack card_param: cards filter: template: >- {% set area_filter = ['wohnung','Steckdose Wohnzimmer','Allgemein'] %} {% set areas = states.light | map(attribute='entity_id') | map('area_name') | unique | reject('none') | rejectattr('entity_id','in', area_filter) | list %} {%- for area in areas -%} {%- if area not in area_filter -%} {{{ 'type': 'vertical-stack', 'title': area, 'cards': [{ 'type': 'custom:auto-entities', 'show_empty' : 'false', 'card' : { 'type': 'grid', 'columns': 2, 'square': false, }, 'card_param': 'cards', 'filter': { 'include': [{ 'domain' : 'light', 'area' : area, 'options': {'type' : 'tile'}}], 'exclude': [{ 'name' : 'Reolink*'}, { 'state': 'unavailable'} ]}, }]}}}, {%- endif -%} {%- endfor %} - type: custom:auto-entities show_empty: false card: type: vertical-stack card_param: cards filter: template: >- {% set area_filter = ['wohnung','Steckdose Wohnzimmer','Allgemein'] %} {% set areas = states.switch | map(attribute='entity_id') | map('area_name') | unique | reject('none') | rejectattr('entity_id','in', area_filter) | list %} {%- for area in areas -%} {%- if area not in area_filter -%} {{{ 'type': 'vertical-stack', 'title': area, 'cards': [{ 'type': 'custom:auto-entities', 'show_empty' : 'false', 'card' : { 'type': 'grid', 'columns': 2, 'square': false, }, 'card_param': 'cards', 'filter': { 'include': [{ 'domain' : 'switch', 'area' : area, 'options': {'type' : 'tile'}}], 'exclude': [{ 'name' : 'Reolink*'}, { 'state': 'unavailable'} ]}, }]}}}, {%- endif -%} {%- endfor %} - type: vertical-stack title: Ausgeschaltet cards: [] - type: vertical-stack title: Angeschaltet cards: [] title: Raumansicht
Hinweis zum Code
Natürlich werden die Entitäts-Namen für euch nicht passen, aber ihr könnt euch zumindest den Aufbau des Dashboards in euer eigenes Kopieren und exakt nachschauen, wie ich die Karten konfiguriert habe.
Konfiguriert am besten einfach einen Raum auf der Raumansicht durch, somit habt ihr einen guten Start-Punkt 💙
Icon-Farben ändern
Bist du auch gelangweilt von den immer gleichen, grauen Icons in deinem Home Assistant Dashboard?
In diesem Video zeige ich dir, wie du deinem Dashboard einen individuellen Look verpasst und die Farbe deiner Icons ganz nach deinen Wünschen anpasst! Ich stelle dir verschiedene Methoden vor, von card-mod über Themes bis hin zur Picture-Elements-Karte – so ist für jeden was dabei.
Die Fraben kannst du übrigens als HEX angeben oder als HTML Color Names.
Hier unten 👇 findest du die Code-Snippets zum jeweiligen Video-Abschnitt und noch einige hilfreiche Links!
Doku zum Aufbau des Style-Snippets: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/frontend/#state-color
type: picture-elements elements: - type: state-icon entity: cover.garage_door style: left: 42% top: 70% "--state-cover-open-color": red "--state-cover-closed-color": lightgreen - type: state-icon style: left: 50% top: 50% "--state-light-on-color": lightgreen "--state-light-off-color": red entity: light.gluhbirne_schreibtisch image: /local/Hangstr.png
Doku von Home Assistant: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/frontend/
Snippet für configuration.yaml
damit der Theme-Ordner überwacht wird
Abschnitte wie z.B. frontend:
dürfen nicht doppelt vorkommen.
Das bedeutet also, wenn du den unten gezeigten Abschnitt schon hast, musst du diesen nicht noch einmal hinzufügen, sondern nur die Code-Zeilen darunter ggf. ergänzen.
Nach dem Einfügen kannst du eventuell noch die Entitäten-IDs an deine eigenen anpassen. Suchen und ersetzen kannst du mit “STRG+F” (Windows) oder “CMD+F” (Mac).
# Load frontend themes from the themes folder frontend: themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes
Eventuell den Ordner anlegen und darin die Datei /homeassistant/themes/mythemes.yaml
Themes-Beispiel aus dem Video:
happy: primary-color: pink text-primary-color: purple sad: primary-color: steelblue modes: dark: secondary-text-color: slategray day_and_night: primary-color: coral modes: light: secondary-text-color: olive dark: secondary-text-color: slategray my_color_theme: primary-color: pink text-primary-color: purple state-cover-garage-open-color: "#ff0000" state-cover-garage-closed-color: green state-cover-shutter-open-color: "#ff0000" state-cover-shutter-closed-color: green state-media_player-inactive-color: "#795548" state-light-on-color: "#2ab7ca" state-light-off-color: "#e6e6ea" modes: light: secondary-text-color: olive dark: secondary-text-color: slategray
Community-Post mit über 50 Beispielen: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/card-mod-add-css-styles-to-any-lovelace-card/120744/1396
Beispiel-Codes aus dem Video
Den Code kannst du jeweils im Code Editor unter dem Standard-Code der Karte einfügen 😉
Heading-Card: Icon und Überschrift einfärben

card_mod: style: | .title > p { color: green; } .title ha-icon { --icon-primary-color: green; }
Tile-Card: Licht anders einfärben
Hier färbe ich abhängig vom Status des Lichts die Karte anders ein.

Noch einmal der Hinweis: Funktioniert nicht vollständig, wenn das Licht Farben unterstützt.
card_mod: style: | ha-tile-icon { {% if states(config.entity) == 'on' %} --tile-color: green; {% else %} --tile-color: red; {% endif %} }
Tile-Card: Rollo abhängig von Öffnungsgrad einfärben
Hier greife ich über den Code auf das Attribut current_position der konfigurierten (Rollo) Entität zu und färbe anhand dessen die Karte anders ein.

card_mod: style: | ha-tile-icon { {% if state_attr(config.entity, "current_position")|float(0) >= 90 %} --tile-color:red; {% elif state_attr(config.entity, "current_position")|float(0) >= 30 %} --tile-color:orange; {% else %} --tile-color:green; {% endif %} }
Das alte Dashboard-Video (Mitte 2022)
Auch wenn es mittlerweile schon einige Zeit her ist, möchte ich das alte Video & die dazugehörigen Codes der Karten nicht entfernen. Vielleicht kann der ein oder andere ja noch die Code-Snippets gebrauchen, wenn man die Kachel-Karten von der Optik her nicht so gut findet 👍
Dashboard-Karten (Code-Snippets)
Die Karten liste ich dir hier in der Reihenfolge auf, wie sie im Video besprochen oder genannt wurden 🙂
Einfügen der Code-Snippets
Zum Einfügen der Code-Snippets:

- Bearbeite dein Dashboard
- Lege dir eine “Manuelle” Karte an 👆
- Hier kannst du den Code einfügen, die Namen der Entitäten anpassen
Und schon bist du fertig 🙂

type: vertical-stack cards: - cards: - image: /api/image/serve/b1982a9dbb82b887d18cc2cdbb2e1bab/512x512 elements: - style: color: white top: 93% left: 30% type: state-label entity: person.simon_muller - style: color: white top: 93% left: 75% type: state-label entity: sensor.iphone_battery_state type: picture-elements - image: /local/custom/Arabella-1.png elements: - style: color: white top: 93% left: 30% type: state-label entity: person.arabella_oberstedt - style: color: white top: 93% left: 75% type: state-label entity: sensor.iphone_von_arabella_battery_state type: picture-elements type: horizontal-stack

show_current: true show_forecast: true type: weather-forecast entity: weather.openweathermap name: Wetter

show_name: true show_icon: true show_state: false type: glance entities: - entity: light.licht_spiegelschrank_state name: Spiegel tap_action: action: toggle hold_action: action: more-info - entity: light.licht_flur_state name: Flur tap_action: action: toggle hold_action: action: more-info - entity: light.funk_dimmaktor_dose_flur name: Flur tap_action: action: toggle hold_action: action: more-info - entity: light.licht_kuche name: Küche tap_action: action: toggle hold_action: action: more-info - entity: light.licht_tisch name: Tisch tap_action: action: toggle hold_action: action: more-info - entity: light.licht_wohnzimmer_state name: Wohnzimmer tap_action: action: toggle hold_action: action: more-info - entity: light.deckenlampe_schlafzimmer name: Schlafzimmer tap_action: action: toggle hold_action: action: more-info - entity: light.shapes_e22c name: Shapes tap_action: action: toggle hold_action: action: more-info - entity: light.pyramide name: Pyramide tap_action: action: toggle hold_action: action: more-info state_color: true columns: 5 title: Licht

type: entities entities: - entity: lock.hausturoffner - entity: sensor.shelly_button_haustur_battery title: Haustür show_header_toggle: false
Geschätzte Helligkeit

hours_to_show: 48 graph: line type: sensor entity: sensor.estimated_illuminance detail: 1 name: Geschätzte Helligkeit icon: mdi:brightness-auto unit: lux
HVAC-Custom Karte

Hier: Warum Home Assistant Thermostat Karten nicht gut sind
Bild mit Rollläden und Hilfsvariablen

type: vertical-stack cards: - cards: - style: border-radius: 20px box-shadow: 3px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.4) border: solid 1px rgba(100,100,100,0.3) overflow: hidden image: /local/custom/2022-05-12_19-49-50.png elements: - style: color: white top: 85% left: 10% type: state-icon entity: input_boolean.chac_is_enabled - style: color: white top: 93% left: 50% type: state-badge title: test entity: sensor.strom_eg_aktuell - style: color: white top: 85% left: 90% type: state-icon entity: input_boolean.cover_manage_cover_with_sun - style: color: white top: 15% left: 92% type: state-icon entity: cover.rollo_badezimmer - style: color: white top: 14% left: 77% type: state-icon entity: cover.rollo_kuche - style: color: white top: 13% left: 56% type: state-icon entity: cover.rollo_wohnzimmer - style: color: white top: 12% left: 24% type: state-icon entity: cover.rollo_schlafzimmer type: picture-elements type: horizontal-stack

show_name: true show_icon: true show_state: true type: glance entities: - entity: binary_sensor.bewegungsmelder_wohnzimmer_motion name: Wohnzimmer - entity: sensor.bewegungsmelder_wohnzimmer_brightness name: Wohnzimmer - entity: binary_sensor.bewegungsmelder_bad_motion name: Bad - entity: sensor.bewegungsmelder_bad_brightness name: Bad - entity: binary_sensor.turkontakt_abstellraum_state name: Abstellraum - entity: binary_sensor.fenster_wohnzimmer_state name: Wohnzimmer - entity: binary_sensor.fenster_bad_state name: Bad - entity: binary_sensor.fenster_schlafzimmer_state name: Schlafzimmer columns: 4 title: Sicherheit
Klima-Karte Schlafzimmer

cards: - cards: - entity: fan.levoit_core300s type: entities entities: - fan.levoit_core300s title: Klima SZ - entity: sensor.schlafzimmer_luftqualitaet type: entity name: Luftqualität state_color: false icon: mdi:leaf type: horizontal-stack - cards: - align_state: left icon: mdi:chart-areaspline entities: - color: '#99ccff' entity: sensor.schlafzimmer_luftqualitaet_in_pm25 index: 0 points_per_hour: 6 name: Schlafzimmer Luftqualität Verlauf type: custom:mini-graph-card type: horizontal-stack type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
Geräte für HA
Mehr Geräte für Home Assistant, HACS oder auch Alexa, Google Home, HomeKit sowie Homebridge findest du in unserem Smart Home Gerätefinder!
Dashboards sind ein wichtiger Teil des Home Assistant. Sie geben dir einen schnellen Überblick darüber, was in deinem Zuhause passiert und ermöglichen es dir, deine Geräte schnell und einfach zu steuern.
Wenn du dein eigenes Dashboard erstellst, kannst du sicherstellen, dass es die Informationen enthält, die für dich am wichtigsten sind. Das Video zeigt, wie du Codebeispiele für Dashboards findest und wie du sie selbst erstellen kannst. Ich hoffe, du fandest das hilfreich und kannst jetzt auch deine eigenen Dashboard-Karten erstellen!
Sehr gutes Video.
Für alle, die mal sehen wollen, wie man ein sehr mächtiges Dashboard automatisch erzeugen kann, welches m.M.n. nur als Anregung genutzt werden kann, was alles möglich ist, sollte sich den ersten Teil dieses Videos mal ansehen (Auto generating Mushroom dashboard strategy):
Hat jmd. eine Idee wie ich die Icons der Entitäten bei der
gegen Bilder vom lokalen Pfad eintausche?Beim Wert
sagt er, das es mit dieser Art Karte nicht möglich ist und das Entitäts-Icon kann man ja auch nicht gegen ein lokales Bild tauschen, oder?Habs geschafft mit der
Funktion über die configuration.yamlHallo Simon,
bei mir sehen die Karten leider anders aus - Aussehen, Aktion und Funktion tauchen da nicht auf.
Muss ich noch irgendwas aktivieren/umstellen?
Du hast als Karte vermutlich “Entität” und nicht “Kachel” genommen.